
ReverCare is starting a new series to highlight different caregivers from all walks of life. We want to support our community, not only with fun caregiving tips, but also share caregiving experiences with each other.

We are excited to begin with our first feature, Lori! She cares for her mother and has an incredible story to share with you all.

Follow Lori on Instagram at @lori.f.martindale.

‍What is the best part of caregiving?

“The best part is having her here, knowing she is as safe as possible. It may sound horrible but I look forward to her breaking free of Lewy. To her running into the arms of our Father, my dad and my sister. Mom never got to hold or even lay eyes on her first baby. That will be beautiful for her. ❤️”

What is the hardest part of caregiving?

“The hardest part is watching Lewy play with her mind. She really thinks she can work, drive and take care of herself. She is a smart, productive person and bit by bit her world is getting smaller”

‍What skills are you most proud of gaining since you started caregiving?

“I am SO proud of the patience I have learned in dealing with her. We used to fight constantly because I was trying to ‘fix’ her and get my mom back. I love her where she is despite what tricks Lewy plays on us.”

What do you like to do for self-care?

“I have recently gotten back to exercise. It really helps my mind and body. I read devotions and other uplifting books.

How do you make caregiving fun?

“I try to be a goofball with my mom. Sometimes she’s in it other times it makes her nervous. Snapchat can be fun. I’m am planning on getting some crafting supplies in hopes of making some gifts for family.”

What is a favorite memory you have taking care of your aging loved one?

“Omg, when she was going to an adult day center she always forgot the name and called it something else. I made a list every time she came up with a new one. We would laugh and laugh every time!!!”

Thank you Lori for sharing your story. We appreciate your sincerity and openness!