Top 12 Health And Fitness Apps For People Over 60

Older adults exercising

Being fit, healthy and fabulous cannot be achieved overnight and doesn’t exactly come easily. Thanks to the modern technology out there today because living cleaner and having a more active lifestyle is easily achievable.

If you have that dream of looking fit or you just simply want to lose a little weight to give your body a bit of a boost, I have written in this article twelve apps to help you do just that. They are all free and user friendly so you have no choice not to get that clean lifestyle you are aiming for.

MyFitnessPal (available on iOS and Android)‍

A smartphone app and website that monitors diet and exercise. Gaming elements are incorporated in this app to motivate users. The nutrients acquired by the body can be determined by scanning the barcodes of various food items.

Users can also utilize the app’s database manually for nutrient record. MyFitnessPal is accurate, reliable and efficient in counting energy intake, micro and macronutrients, sugar and fiber but not for fats, cholesterol and sodium.


More popularly known as Couch to 5k and has helped millions of first-time runners gain their stamina for a 5k run. The plan consists of 3 workouts per week that will last for 8 weeks. You can build up your strength alternatively through walking and running from not doing any work out for a long period of time.

Older people have enjoyed and testified about losing nearly 100 pounds, getting rid of insulin and dropping several medications. Indeed, this has been very useful if you’ve been wanting to get in shape from being a couch potato.

Proven Skincare‍

Your smartphone can now be your beauty advisor from personalized skincare recommendations to testing out the latest luxury beauty products, that is one of the advantages of Artificial Intelligence in the beauty industry.

AI in skincare is amazing since there is also a mobile app for personalized skin care such as Proven. You just need to fill out the 3-minute Skin Genome Quiz, then PROVEN will give you a specific formulation that is suited only for your skin, lifestyle, environment and skin concerns.

Flexible Dieting‍

An app that can help you maintain a flexible diet and also a popular weight loss and fitness program that’s based on a sensible theory. Widely called as If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) which encourages users to eat any food since there is no such thing as a “bad food” for as long as it fits within your macronutrient needs.

‍7 Minute Workout ‍

This is an app that gives you the benefits of a strenuous bike ride and a round trip to the gym in just a few minutes. The app features a Smart Workout which measures your endurance level while recommending different workout programs along with intensity increases. There is also a timer that shows the distance you achieve. You are like working with a personal trainer as you watch yourself doing fitness moves.

Apple Health and Google Fit‍

Apple Health is for iOS users while Google fit is for Android fanatics. Both apps

  • track your steps and distance traveled
  • helps you establish a target bedtime and wake time
  • counts your calories, carbohydrates and caffeine
  • monitors your body measurement, reproductive health and vitals
  • saves all your health records to make it easier for you to share with doctors or family members.

It also gives you the option to create an emergency Medical ID card that allows first responders to access your critical medical information from your lock screen (even without a passcode) which is so amazing. While using these apps, you can also connect to third party apps like Fitbit and MyfitnessPal.

Simply Yoga‍

Yoga is a mind and body practice which combines physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation or relaxation. It is a great form of exercise that is suitable to any fitness level. Simply Yoga is a free app that will take you through 20, 40 or 60 minute workouts. It was believed that yoga connects the mind, body and spirit.


Fit for an expert swimmer or even non-pro, the SwimIO app can help you stay motivated while having a great exercise. Swimming is best for older adults because it’s easy on the joints, improves heart health and increases muscle strength. It also keeps a record of your swim distance, duration and progress.


This app lets you map your walking routes by a trace line which will appear to help you find your way back if you’re new to a certain area. It also shows you the duration of your walk, the calories you burned and other pertinent health information. This aids best in health improvement of older adults by lowering the risk of sickness and improving mobility and independence.


This is the app used by cyclists to track their rides. Since cycling is a low-impact sport, it is best for joints and heart health of older adults. It can map your route and measure your stamina while keeping track of your personal records. The best part is its ability to find new routes to bike which makes your journey to fitness more exciting.

SilverSneakers GO

This app is specifically designed to aid with your strength, flexibility, endurance and mobility. You can do it in match with your fitness level so you will not be overwhelmed to start a new fitness regimen. You can also use this app to receive exercise demos and tips that will last for 4-12 weeks while tracking your progress.

Pilates – Lumowell 

This app is perfect for older people looking for a new exercise to try because it doesn’t require any expensive equipment and all you need is a flat and soft  surface like a carpeted floor or a mat.

Improve Your Health Today!

Older adults can improve their health and maximize the benefits of fitness apps  with a moderate amount of physical activity on a daily basis. The physical activities don’t need to be strenuous to get the best results, just maintain the ability to fight anxiety and depression and nurture the feeling of being loved and cared for. It will always be best though to consult with your doctor before starting any fitness program. 

Aussy Aportadera is pursuing the unhurried life in the beachside town of La Union, Philippines. After a career in communications and publishing for luxury lifestyle, food, and wine, she is now a yoga teacher and co-owner of a ceramics brand.

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